Before Carbohydrates Are Absorbed They Are Changed to
Carbohydrates include sugar rice bread pasta potatoes fruits and vegetables. These single sugars include glucose galactose and fructose and your small intestine absorbs them without needing to digest them first. Chemical Digestion And Absorption A Closer Look Anatomy And Physiology Ii Glucose this is one of the most important forms of sugar used by the body for energy. . Small finger-like projections called villi absorb the carbohydrates then they are transferred to the blood stream and carried to muscles. It needs to be broken down into simple sugars. The mechanical and chemical digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth. All of these carbohydrates require digestion to single sugar units prior to absorption. Fructose and galactose are converted to glucose in the liver. Lipids proteins and complex carbohydrates are broken down into small and absorbable units digested principally in the small intestine. ...